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Monstroid Theme Documentation

Third-party Plugins

MotoPress Slider Plugin

MotoPress Slider is an easy to use and flexible solution for building compelling sliders. It focuses on simplicity and functionality, and offers all the necessary tools that make the plugin stand out from the others. You can build your WordPress slider in two minutes and enjoy it from any device, as it looks automatically adapts to all screen resolutions.

This instruction is for templates with MotoPress Slider included. If you purchased MotoPress Slider as an additional offer .json file will not be included to the template package.

To make the MotoPress Slider look like on our live demo, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Install and activate MotoPress Slider plugin.

  2. Go to Dashboard > MotoPress Slider > and press the "Import button > Export".

  3. Select MotoPress Slider Export .json file that you can find in your template package.

  4. After importing the settings of the slider, the installation is complete.

Slider settings:

  • Slider title
    type the name of your slider, it should be easily recognizable in case you create several sliders for the website.
  • Slider alias
    helps the slider provide you with the slider shortcode. Its name has to be unique.
  • Slider shortcode
    this shortcode should be inserted to the page or post where you want to place the slider.
  • Force Full Width
    enable this option to make this slider full-width.
  • Layers Grid Size
    enable to set width of your slider, indicate the layers grid size.
  • Enable Slideshow
    enable or disable slideshow.
  • Slideshow Delay
    the time one slide stays on the screen in milliseconds.
  • Pause on Hover
    Pause slideshow when hovering on the slider.
  • Reverse order of the slides
    Animate slides in the reverse order.
  • Show counter
    Displays the number of slides.

Slide settings:

After indicating the settings of the slider, it's time to start adding slides.
The process of customizing your slides is intuitive and simple. You just need to name your slide and select its background type: image or simply one color.

  • Slide Title
    the title of the slide that will be shown in the slides list.
  • Status
    choose status for the slide (Published or Draft).
  • Background color type:
    choose Color or Gradient for the background of the slide.
  • Background Color
    please insert the color (this option is only for Background color type "Color").
  • Gradient color 1, Gradient color 2, Gradient angle
    insert two gradient colors and angle (these options are only for Background "Gradient" color type ).
  • Image Source
    image can be added from your computer, Media Library or External URL.
  • Size
    size of the slide image.
  • Cover
    this means that the background image will be scaled to completely cover the background area.
  • Contain
    the image can be scaled to the largest size. Both width and height will fit the size of the content area.
  • Percentage
    the width and height of the background image can be fixed in percent.
  • Normal
    the background image has its own width and height.
  • Repeat
    background image can be repeated or not.
  • Position
    choose position of the background image.
  • Video Source MP4
    upload .MP4 video file.
  • Video Source WEBM
    upload .WEBM video file.
  • Video Source OGG
    upload .OGG video file.
  • Loop Video
    allows you to loop the video.
  • Mute Video
    allows you to mute the video.
  • Video Fill-mode
    choose Fill or Fit.
  • Video Cover
    enable Video Cover.
    • Video Cover Type
      choose Video Cover Type.
  • Link this slide
    insert link.
  • Open in new window
    open slide's link in new window.
  • Link id
  • Link class
  • Link rel
  • Link title
  • Only logged
    only logged in users can view this slide
  • Visible from
    choose the starting day from the calender
  • Visible until
    choose the last day from the calender
  • Class name
  • CSS id

Layer settings:

The next step is to set the position of the background image and the 'repeat' option, but it depends on you only. You can also leave these fields empty.

For demonstration, we'll use a few pictures in our slider to show you the advantages of the plugin. After setting the image options, you can get started with the Layer Settings.

This feature offers you a lot of customization options. You are able to create as many layers as you need. The layers can be presented as a text, image or button, for each layer you can set:

  • Start Animation
    how it'll appear on a slide.
  • End Animation
    the way how it will disappear from the slide.
  • Display
    the time it takes for one layer to appear.
  • Hide
    the time it takes for one layer to disappear. Note that time is calculated from the beginning of the slide and is indicated in milliseconds.

Layer settings also enable to specify the text of the layer and its style. When you are done with adding the layers, you can set their order by simply dragging and dropping them in any sequence.

For more information please click here.

MotoPress Content Editor

MotoPress Content Editor enhances the standard WordPress builder features and allows to create websites visually. It’s the complete solution for building responsive pages without coding, by simply dragging and dropping content elements.

You have two ways of creating or editing the content: in the visual MotoPress Content Editor or in the default WordPress editor.

If you prefer to create/edit content in the default WordPress editor, but would like to have it viewable and editable in the MotoPress editor, you need to follow the steps listed below.

Basic rules of shortcodes organization:

  1. The grid shortcode should come first. The Row → Column structure should always remain unchanged.

  2. Every element has to be placed inside the grid.

    Let's take “cherry_spacer” as an example:

    		Content 1
    		[cherry_spacer size="20"]
    		Content 2
    		Content 1
    [cherry_spacer size="20"]
    		Content 2

    You can't insert a shortcode or a piece of content on the inner_row level. For example, it is wrong to insert my_shortcode without wrapping it into a grid.

    				Content 1
  3. Here is how to create two columns:

    	[cherry_col size_md="6"]
    		Content 1
    	[cherry_col size_md="6"]
    		Content 2
  4. Several objects in a column

    Each object in a column should be placed into a grid. In other case, all the objects in the column will be interpreted as one block. Consequently, it will be impossible to customize the objects individually. For example, in the second column, the "Content" text and the “cherry_button” shortcode are not separated by grid elements.

    	[cherry_col size_md="6"]
    	[cherry_col size_md="6"]
    		[cherry_button text="Read more" url="#" style="primary" size="medium" display="inline" radius="0" centered="no" fluid="no" fluid_position="left" icon_position="left" bg_color="#2D89EF" color="#FFFFFF" min_width="0" target="self" hover_animation="self"]

    In the visual editor, this block looks like a single object.

    You should add a new row and insert “Content” and the “cherry_button” shortcode into separate columns: cherry_row_inner → cherry_col_inner.

    	[cherry_col size_md="6"]
    	[cherry_col size_md="6"]
    			[cherry_col_inner size_md="12"]
    				[cherry_button text="Read more" url="#" style="primary" size="medium" display="inline" radius="0" centered="no" fluid="no" fluid_position="left" icon_position="left" bg_color="#2D89EF" color="#FFFFFF" min_width="0" target="self" hover_animation="self"]

    Now each of the objects can be selected and customized separately in the visual editor.

  5. Using Inner-Row. The following structure should be kept: row → col → row_inner → col_inner.

    				Content 1
    				Content 2

    Here is a nesting example (breaking one column into two):

    				Content 1
    				Content 2
  6. Using the cherry_box shortcode.

    The cherry_box shortcode has to be placed into row → col. Inside the shortcode, you can use row_inner → col_inner.

    	[cherry_col size_md="12"]
    		[cherry_box preset="primary" bg_color="#a9e05b"]
    				[cherry_col_inner size_md="4"]
    					Column content 1
    				[cherry_col_inner size_md="4"]
    					Column content 2
    				[cherry_col_inner size_md="4"]
    					Column content 3

    If "cherry_box" is wrapped in a grid is placed into row_inner, you can't use another row_inner inside of it.

  7. The number of columns in a row should not exceed twelve (the default value).

WPML configuration

WPML consists of several modules. The basic module turns WordPress sites into multilingual. Other modules help with an enhanced translation process, string translation, media translation and other functions.

You can learn about the different modules on the WPML Core and Addons page.

After you enable WPML, you’ll see a Multilingual Widget in the Admin Dashboard. This widget provides access to the different WPML functions. You can also access them through the WPML menu.

  • Languages – Determine the site’s languages and control how different language contents are organized.
  • Theme and plugins localization – Choose between the traditional .mo files or using WPML’s String Translation.
  • Navigation – Control the appearance of site-wide navigation based on WordPress pages.
  • Sticky links – This is an essential function for running websites powered by WordPress. It guarantees that the links between pages will never be broken.

Translating Site Content

WPML creates different posts, pages and custom types for translations and connects them together. This means that every page has its own title, body and meta-fields.

WPML offers two ways for content translation :

  • Manually, by clicking on the + icons
  • Using WPML’s Translation Management module

Translation Dashboard

Contact form 7

Contact Form 7 plugin can manage multiple contact forms. It also lets you customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup.

Displaying a Form

Let’s start with displaying a contact form on your page. First, open the "Contact -> Contact Forms" menu in your WordPress administration panel.

You can manage multiple contact forms there.

Right after the installation of the Contact Form 7 plugin, you’ll see a default form named "Contact form 1" and a code that will look like this:

[contact-form-7 id="1234" title="Contact form 1"]

Copy this code. Then open "Edit menu" ('Pages -> Edit') of the page where you wish to place the contact form. A popular practice is creating a page named "Contact" for the contact form page. Paste the code you've copied into the contents of the page.

Now your contact form setup is complete. Your site visitors can now find the form and start submitting the messages to you.

Next, let’s see how you can customize the form and mail content.

Customizing a Form

Title for this contact form(1). This title is just a label for a contact form and is used only for administrative purposes. You can use any title you like, e.g. “Job Application Form,” “Form for Event 2016/01/01″ and so on.

Shortcode for this contact form (2). Copy this code and paste it into your post, page or text widget where you want to place this contact form.

Form Tab

Form editing field (4). You can customize the form content in this section using HTML and form-tags. Line breaks and blank lines in this field are automatically formatted with

HTML tags.

Tag generators (3). By using these tag generators, you can generate form-tags even without any particular skills.

For more information about form-tags, see How Tags Work.

Mail Tab

You can edit the mail template for the mail which is sent in response to a form submission. You can use mail-tags in these fields.

An additional mail template is also available. It is called Mail(2) and its content can differ from the primary Mail template.

For more information, see Setting Up Mail.

Messages Tab

You can edit the messages that are used for various situations, including “Validation errors occurred,” “Please fill in the required field,” etc.

Note that only plain text is available here. HTML tags and entities are not allowed in the message fields.

Additional Settings Tab

You can add customization code snippets here. See Additional Settings for more details.

MailChimp for WordPress

MailChimp for WordPress plugin helps you add subscribers to your MailChimp lists using various methods. You can create compeling opt-in forms or integrate with any other form on your site, like your comment form or WooCommerce checkout.

Installing MailChimp for WordPress Lite

Like other free WordPress plugins, installing the MailChimp for WordPress Lite plugin is quite easy as well. All you need is a MailChimp account and a self-hosted website.

  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for MailChimp for WordPress and click "Install now"

  2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of to your plugins directory, which is usually /wp-content/plugins/.

  3. Activate the plugin.

  4. Set your MailChimp API key in the plugin settings.

Checkbox Settings

MailChimp settings for checkboxes
  • MailChimp Lists
    Choose the list.
  • Double opt-in?
    Select "yes" if you want people to confirm their email address before being subscribed (recommended).
Checkbox settings
  • Add the checkbox to these forms
    Selecting a form will automatically add the sign-up checkbox to it.
  • Checkbox label text
    Insert the text.
  • Pre-check the checkbox?
    Select "yes" if you want to pre-check.
  • Load some default CSS?
    Select "yes" if the checkbox appears in a weird place.

Form Settings

Required form settings
  • Load form styles (CSS)?
    If you want to load some default CSS styles, select "basic formatting styles" or choose one of the color themes.
  • Lists this form subscribes to
    Choose the list.
  • Form mark-up
    Use the shortcode to display this form inside a post, page or text widget.
MailChimp Settings
  • Double opt-in?
    Select "yes" if you want people to confirm their email address before being subscribed (recommended).
  • Update existing subscribers?
    Select "yes" if you want to update the existing subscribers (instead of showing the "already subscribed" message). This option is only available in MailChimp for WordPress Pro.
  • Replace interest groups?
    Select "yes" if you want to replace the interest groups with the groups provided instead of adding the provided groups to the member's interest groups (only when updating a subscriber). This option is only available in MailChimp for WordPress Pro.
Form Settings & Messages
  • Enable AJAX form submission?
    Select "yes" if you want to use AJAX (JavaScript) to submit forms. This option is only available in MailChimp for WordPress Pro.
  • Hide form after a successful sign-up?
    Select "yes" to hide the form fields after a successful sign-up.
  • Redirect to URL after successful sign-ups
    Leave empty or enter 0 for no redirect. Otherwise, use complete (absolute) URLs, including http://.
  • Successfully subscribed
    The text that is displayed when an email address is successfully subscribed to the selected list(s).
  • Invalid email address
    The text that is displayed when an invalid email address is given.
  • Required field missing
    The text that is displayed when a required field for the selected list(s) is missing.
  • Already subscribed
    The text that is displayed when the given email is already subscribed to the selected list(s).
  • General error
    The text that is displayed when a general error occured.
  • Unsubscribed
    This is the text that is displayed when the given email address is successfully unsubscribed from the selected list(s).
  • Not subscribed
    This is the text that is displayed when the given email address is not on the selected list(s).

Homepage Pop-up

Homepage Pop-up plugin for adding a simple jquery pop-up on the home page. Add a title and an important information on your home page without getting blocked any by A.

Installing Homepage Pop-up plugin

  1. Upload 'mlab_popup' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.

  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

  3. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Homepage Pop-up

  4. Create your first pop-up for your homepage!

Magneticlab Homepage Pop-up

  • Width
  • Heading
  • Content
  • Call to action